Sunday, October 8, 2017

EPT List for Central Virginia, 2017

Not yet -- but pretty soon we'll see those beautiful colors of autumn.

Since readers on occasion look at the EPT list that I posted in 2012, I thought I should probably update that list in this entry.    Included are additions and corrections, and in some cases taxa names have been changed by entomologists.  Also included are taxa I've seen but others have found all duly noted.  As I did for awhile with the entry of 2012, I will try to go back to this list and make changes as they occur: I'll note such changes in future postings.  Please be clear that this is not an "official" list of EPT taxa that are here; it's a list of the taxa that I've found, including some things that have been found by my friends.

                   EPT Species List for Central Virginia
                   (Albemarle, Greene, Madison, Fluvanna)
I. Ephemeroptera (Mayflies)

1. Ameletidae

1. Ameletus lineatus

2. Baetidae (Small minnow mayflies)

1. Acentrella nadineae
2. Acentrella turbida
3. Baetis flavistriga
4. Baetis intercalaris
5. Baetis pluto
6. Baetis tricaudatus
7. Heterocloeon curiosum
8. Heterocloeon amplum
9. Heterocloeon petersi
10. Iswaeon anoka
11. Labiobaetis propinquus
12. Plauditus dubius

3. Isonychiidae (Brushlegged mayflies)

1. Isonychia sp. (bicolor? probably more than one species)

4. Heptageniidae (Flatheaded mayflies)

1. Cinygmula subaequalis
2. Epeorus pleuralis
3. Epeorus vitreus
4. Epeorus fragilis
5. Heptagenia marginalis
6. Leucrocuta hebe
7. Leucrocuta sp.
8. Leucrocuta aphrodite
9. Leucrocuta thetis
10. Maccaffertium ithaca
11. Maccaffertium merririvulanum
12. Maccaffertium pudicum
13. Maccaffertium vicarium
14. Maccaffertium modestum
15. Rhithrogena sp. (at least two species have been found; one appears to be exilis)
16. Stenacron carolina
17. Stenacron interpunctatum

5.  Ephemerellidae (Spiny crawler mayflies)

1. Drunella cornutella
2. Drunella tubercula
3. Drunella walkeri
4. Ephemerella dorothea
5. Ephemerella invaria
6. Ephemerella subvaria
7. Eurylophella verisimilis
8. Eurylophella funeralis (found by DB)
9. Eurylophella sp. (minimella?) (found by DB)
10. Serratella serratoides
11. Serratella serrata
12. Teloganopsis deficiens

6. Baetiscidae (Armored mayflies)

1. Baetisca berneri

7. Caenidae

(I saw a lot of Caenidae when I was with StreamWatch: not a one since then.  I hope to correct this so I can determine genus and species.)

8. Leptohyphidae (Little stout crawler mayflies)

1. Tricorythodes

9. Leptophlebiidae (Pronggilled mayflies)

1. Neoleptophlebia assimilis
2. Paraleptophlebia guttata
3. Paraleptophlebia sp.  (jeanae?)
4. Paraleptophlebia strigula
5. Habrophlebia vibrans
6. Leptophlebia sp.

10. Ephemeridae (Common burrower mayflies)

1. Ephemera guttalata

II. Plecoptera (Stoneflies)

1. Capniidae (Small winter stoneflies)

1. Allocapnia sp. (pygmaea?)
2. Paracapnia angulata

2. Leuctridae (Needleflies)

1. Leuctra sp.

3. Nemouridae (Forestflies)

1. Amphinemura delosa
2. Prostoia completa
3. Soyedina sp.(carolinensis?)

4. Taeniopterygidae (Large winter stoneflies)

1. Strophopteryx fasciata
2. Taenionema atlanticum
3. Taeniopteryx burksi/maura

5.  Chloroperlidae (Green stoneflies)

1. Alloperla sp.
2. Haploperla brevis
3. Sweltsa sp.

6. Peltoperlidae (Roach-like stoneflies)

1. Peltoperla sp.
2. Tallaperla sp.
3. Viehoperla sp. (found by DB)

7. Perlidae (Common stoneflies)

1. Acroneuria abnormis (brown)
2. Acroneuria abnormis (patterned)
3. Acroneuria carolinensis
4. Acroneuria sp. (possibly internata, possibly a variety of abnormis)
5. Acroneuria arenosa
6. Acroneuria lycorias
7. Agnetina annulipes
8. Agnetina capitata
9. Agnetina flavescens
10. Eccoptura xanthenses
11. Neoperla sp. (clymene?)
12. Paragnetina immarginata
13. Paragnetina fumosa
14. Perlesta sp. (various species)

8. Perlodidae (Springflies and Stripetails)

1. Clioperla clio
2. Diploperla duplicata
3. Helopicus subvarians
4. Isogenoides hansoni
5. Isoperla dicala
6. Isoperla holochlora (light form)
7. Isoperla holochlora (dark form)
8. Isoperla latta/pseudolatta
9. Isoperla kirchneri group
   (probably both I. kirchneri and I. montana)
10. Isoperla similis/prosimilis group
11. Isoperla davisi
12. Isoperla orata
13. Isoperla orata (variant form)
14. Isoperla sp.VA
15. Malirekus hastatus
16. Rememus bilobatus

9. Pteronarcys (Giant stoneflies)

1. Pteronarcys biloba
2. Pteronarcys dorsata
3. Pteronarcys proteus

III. Trichoptera (Caddisflies)

1. Rhyacophilidae (Free-living caddisflies)

1. Rhyacophila carolina
2. Rhyacophlia fuscula
3. Rhyacophila nigrita
4. Rhyacophila glaberrima
5. Rhyacophila fenestra
6. Rhyacophila sp. (banksi?)

2. Glossosomatidae (Saddle-case makers)

1. Glossosoma nigrior

3. Philopotamidae (Fingernet caddisflies)

1. Chimarra sp.
2. Dolophilodes distincta
3. Wormaldia sp.

4. Polycentropodidae

1. Polycentropus sp.

5. Hydropsychidae (Common Netspinners)

1. Ceratopsyche alhedra
2. Ceratopsyche bronta
3. Ceratopsyche morosa
4. Ceratopsyche slossonae
5. Ceratopsyche sparna
6. Cheumatopsyche sp.
7. Diplectrona modesta
8. Diplectrona metaqui (found by DB)
9. Hydropsyche betteni
10. Hydropsyche rossi
11. Hydropsyche venularis
12. Macrostemum carolina

6. Brachycentridae (Humpless case-makers)

1. Adicrophleps hitchcocki
2. Brachycentrus appalachia
3. Micrasema wataga
4. Micrasema charonis
5. Micrasema bennetti

9. Lepidostomatidae

1. Lepidostoma sp. (at least 2 species, possibly more)
2. Theliopsyche sp.

10. Limnephilidae (Northern case-makers)

1. Pycnopsyche gentilis
2. Pycnopsyche scabripennis
3. Pycnopsyche luculenta
4. Pseudostenophalyx sparsus

11. Apataniidae

1. Apatania incerta

12. Goeridae

1. Goera calcarata
2. Goera fuscula

 13. Uenoidae

1. Neophylax oligius
2. Neophylax consimillis
3. Neophylax aniqua
4. Neophylax mitchelli
5. Neophylax fuscus
6. Neophylax concinnus

14. Leptoceridae (Long-horned case-makers)

1. Nectopsyche equisita
2. Ceraclea maculata
3. Oecetis avara

15. Odontoceridae (Strong case-makers)

1. Psilotreta labida
2. Psilotreta frontalis
3. Psilotreta rufa (found by DB)

16. Molannidae (Hooded-case maker)

1. Molanna blenda (found by DB)

17. Calamoceratidae (found by StreamWatch monitors)

1. Anisocentropus pyraloides

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